BesC Initiates C–C Cleavage through a Substrate-Triggered and Reactive Diferric-Peroxo Intermediate


BesC catalyzes the iron- and O2-dependent cleavage of 4-chloro-l-lysine to form 4-chloro-l-allylglycine, formaldehyde, and ammonia. This process is a critical step for a biosynthetic pathway that generates a terminal alkyne amino acid which can be leveraged as a useful bio-orthogonal handle for protein labeling. As a member of an emerging family of diiron enzymes that are typified by their heme oxygenase-like fold and a very similar set of coordinating ligands, recently termed HDOs, BesC performs an unusual type of carbon–carbon cleavage reaction that is a significant departure from reactions catalyzed by canonical dinuclear-iron enzymes. Here, we show that BesC activates O2 in a substrate-gated manner to generate a diferric-peroxo intermediate. Examination of the reactivity of the peroxo intermediate with a series of lysine derivatives demonstrates that BesC initiates this unique reaction trajectory via cleavage of the C4–H bond; this process represents the rate-limiting step in a single turnover reaction. The observed reactivity of BesC represents the first example of a dinuclear-iron enzyme that utilizes a diferric-peroxo intermediate to capably cleave a C–H bond as part of its native function, thus circumventing the formation of a high-valent intermediate more commonly associated with substrate monooxygenations.

Journal of the American Chemical Society

Supplementary Information is here, including data.

Shan Xue
Shan Xue
Phd Candidate

My research interest includes AI4science and Generative Models. If you have any questions or are interested in collaboration, please feel free to reach out to me.